With the release of the new 1.3 firmware comes the ability to backup your module. Using removable memory such as USB Drives and SD Cards on Prime, users will be able to backup the following:
- User Kits
- User Kit Pieces
- User Trigger Presets
- User Playlists
- User Mixer FX Presets
- All User Preferences
- Backing Tracks from Jam Mode
Please note that all drives and SD cards connected to the module must be formatted to FAT32 or exFAT. Backups should not be modified or renamed.
To backup your user content, connect an external USB storage device (or SD card on Prime). Tap the CHANGE button below the “Export All Your Content” header. Then, double tap the drive you would like to use under the AVAILABLE DRIVES header. You will now see the drive you’ve selected under the “Export All Your Content” header.
To Export all of your content, tap the EXPORT button.
To Change the currently selected drive, tap the CHANGE button.
To Eject the connected USB drive, tap the EJECT button.
To restore your user content, connect an external USB storage device (or SD card on Prime). Tap the CHANGE button below the “Restore Content From a Backup” header. Then, double tap the drive you would like to use under the AVAILABLE DRIVES header. You will now see the drive you’ve selected under the “Restore Content From a Backup” header.
To Import all of your content, tap which backup you would like to restore to by using the Backups drop-down menu outlined in red above, and tap the IMPORT button.
To Change the currently selected drive, tap the CHANGE button.
To Eject the connected USB drive, tap the EJECT button. Please note that if your drive is connected, you should press EJECT before removing the drive or shutting down the module, even if it is not being used.