A drummer's first instinct when switching between an acoustic kit and an e-kit is often to upgrade the hi-hat pedal to a more familiar stand setup. We do not recommend using a hi hat stand setup if your kit did not come with one, like the Alesis Strike Pro sets. With that being said, we do acknowledge that most hi-hat stand setups will send a midi message that is analogous to the signal from most of our included hi-hat pedals.

The universal nature of these stands and how they are both similar and different to your included pedal are the  reason we do not necessarily recommend it as a setup. Normally how these stands work is the pressure of the top plate presses down to a sensor built into either the lower cymbal or a plate under it, and the amount of force being pressed down is sending the exact same type of message to the brain of the module that the pedal you're using now is sending. Ideally, the more pressure that the top cymbal presses on the the bottom, the higher the value the assembly sends to the brain to indicate "closed".

The problem with this setup is that because it's pressure based, lots of other factors that our Alesis e-drums and sample pads don't have tune-able parameters for how this message is received. 
For example, on our Strike Pro Kit, there are parameters to calibrate for the strength of the spring pushing back against the top hi hat, for the actual velocity curve of how that pressure is realized and the sensitivity of that pedal press in terms of how much it amplifies the sound of your foot pressing down on it. 

Beyond the internal calibration of the setup, the physical calibration of making sure the pad and the pressure sensor mechanism are level to have an even pressure throughout that lower sensor can be tricky. While usually there's some kind of levelling mechanism for that built into the stand's setup, the module not being built for it can have misinterpretations- the brain can misinterpret the uneven pressure and think you've let up the pedal for a split second. 

One final consideration is that because of the nature of a hi-hat cymbal needing to press down on that pressure sensor with some force; it is also going to feel different in comparison to any other cymbals, pads or mechanisms you have in place, naturally being a lot heavier. It's in fact even heavier than an actual hi hat cymbal setup usually, though your mileage may vary depending on the actual product. 

Which is to say that for the most part the brain will receive the message of the brain coming in and the brain will interpret it as open and closed; it will often feel off to your body as you play the actual hi hat setup. 

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